Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lets just say it has been a long three days ... on Monday my Mom's facility called my Dad and let him know that my Mom had possibly broken her hip, the ambulance had just picked her up, and that we needed to meet them at Intermountain Medical Center. My Dad and i met the paramedics there who had her strapped down to the bed so she would not move her body and to physically help them out .... she for some odd reason is an extremely strong 100 pound women! After setting her up to all kind of machines, the doctor wanted to do a second round of x-rays. I was the lucky one who got to join her for that and hold her arms down so she wouldn't yank out her IV's, something she does often! After the results came back and a brief moment of me passing out ... don't ask ... she has a fractured femur and the ball/joint that connects your femur to your hip had been detached from her hip socket. Four hours later they checked us into her room and told us the orthopedic surgeon would be there around five to talk surgery, 8:00 came around and so did the doctor, a little late but worth the wait! Gave us an awesome illustration of what her hip looked like and what he was going to make it look like ... a Hemiarthroplasity???? aka: hip replacement. So to make a two day event short and sweet, they took her in for surgery on Tuesday at three, finished at five, the surgeon said it went great, that she responded well to the anesthesia, the new hip looked great and strong and that she would be out of recovery around six and back to room 701 ... !! As 7:30 rolled around and no sign of my Mom we chatted with the nurses who told us to go grab some dinner and by then she would hopefully be out of recovery. Well when we got back from the fabulous cafeteria, and that is not a joke, it really is way good, all of our belongings were gone. Again, went to the nurses desk, they informed us that our Mom was one the fourth floor, Respiratory ICU. We freaked, went straight to the fourth floor were they informed us that during her recovery she had stopped breathing so they had to put her breathing tube back in AND that she now had developed pneumonia in both her lungs. The ICU doc talked a little to us about her condition, wether we would continue on with the breathing tube given her situation, or if we as a family want her to stop fighting this forever long battle and just let the pneumonia run its course. Which of course is what we chose. She deserves to be happy and healthy. My family and I have had plenty of time to mentally prepare for something like this and will be okay if she does decide to give up, she has fought long enough. So now its Wednesday around three and i am well into my third 12 hour day, I am overly exhausted and bored so i thought i would give an update to those who read this. So thats it for now, i will keep posting with any new news.


the johansen's said...

I love you Em!!!

Debbie said...

Emily, we will pray for you and your family tonight. You are a great daughter. Best wishes. Debbie and Tee

Miles and Chelsea said...

wow em!! Our thoughts and prayers are with you... Your mom is an amazing person and she deserves the best!!

tiffany and darren said...

Hearing and reading about what your family and Mom have been going through has made me so sad. Reading your thoughts just shows how strong of a person you are and that you can get through anything. I am so impressed with how you all have done. I will be thinking about all of you and praying for you and please keep your blog updated.

geislers said...

I am so sorry to hear about your mom! I love her. our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Kim said...

Em- We love you and I want you to know that we are praying for you and your family.

Cedar City weaver said...

Oh Em, I feel for you. You have been in our thoughts and prayers. Hope you get a break soon. Love, Barb

Efamily said...

Thanks for the updates, we will keep you and your family in our prayers too! You are a rock em, most people couldn't deal with the emotional roller coaster and heartache you have had with your mom. Keep smiling.

I love ya.


Jeff and Linz said...

Emily you are an amazing woman! I am thinking of you. Love you!

Luke and Ali Stewart said...

Em- your blog made me cry tonight. My heart just aches for you and your family. Your poor Mama- I will be praying for the best.