Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Only FOUR months to go ......

I am really bored tonight, can you tell ...? I already posted something about Oakley below so now i thought i would talk about something other than our dog. MY WEDDING! It kind of creeped up on me and now its crunch time! Its crazy how fast our engagement has gone, I really cant believe it has already been six months and now we only have four or so more to go!!! I have done a few things ... we have our venue, the photographer, the cake, the florist, and our ever so talented friend Jamie works for Busath and designed our invitations, but thats it! Any suggestions anyone would like to share ...?? I really need to find a DJ or a band so any suggestions would be GREAT! Oh yes ... and I have my dress! 

Puppies are like Babies ... they grow quickly!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Attention Ali E ....

If i promise not to say anything negative, will you please make it possible for people to leave comments on your blog .....? So, because i cant leave comments i have a few requests!!! First, can you please help me get the Christmas music off my blog ... I can't figure out how to do it! I don't care what song you put on there just change the songs around, THANK YOU! Second, who are those random people on your blog? Tad and I were wondering ....? Last but not least, i am going to need you to either go get your measurements taken or take them yourselves. I have a meeting with the dress maker and i will need to get those to her, assuming you won't be back until the wedding? If it makes it easier for you I can meet with her first and get the measurements she will need, then i can get those to you. Let me know what you prefer .... Hope everything is going well! Tell the kiddos hi and that we miss them and that Oakley is anxiously awaiting their arrival!! Love ya!